Prepare for a confident birth – The Birth Class

Episode 164

Melissa Spilsted

In today’s episode, I interview Melissa Spilsted. Melissa shares with us the stories of her three pregnancies and vaginal births. After attending birth classes at the private hospital where she planned to birth her first baby, Melissa was very disappointed and found the education lacking. She carried on to do her own research and armed herself with tools and knowledge, doing everything she could to train her body and mind. At 37 weeks Melissa met Leanne Jackson (a hypnotherapist) who she then saw for a session. At 41 weeks she went into labour naturally and had a really calm, beautiful labour using the techniques Leanne had taught her. One minute after her son was born she said to her husband ‘Let’s do this again!’

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Melissa went on to have two more babies, both water births, using hypnobirthing techniques. She was inspired to train as a hypnotherapist and hypnobirthing practitioner after her successful use of the techniques throughout all of her labours. Melissa then founded the highly successful Hypnobirthing Australia program. In her program Melissa uses evidence based tools and techniques for positive birth experiences (however a baby is delivered) and feels a strong sense of justice in helping women achieve the beautiful births they deserve. She believes ‘Labour and birth can be the highlight of your life’.

Topics Discussed

3 Births, Hypnobirthing Australia

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