Prepare for a Confident Birth with The Birth Class
What is infertility?
The Two Week Wait
Harnessing the Power of Acupressure: A Natural Approach to Preparing for Birth
Thoughtful Christmas Gifts for your Pregnant Friend.
Pain Relief Options in Labour: From Natural Methods to Medical Pain Management
Epidural for Labour and Birth: Benefits, Risks and What to Expect
Cracked Nipples: Causes, Treatment and Prevention
5 Tips for Travelling With Kids
If you’re interested in birthing in a hospital, you’ve got two options but these are dependent on your location (if you live in rural or remote Australia, your care options will be limited):
Some public hospitals have homebirth or birth centre programmes available but they are reserved for low-risk pregnancies and often require you to book in very early (as soon as you have a positive pregnancy test!). There’s also an increase in demand for private midwifery care and homebirth so if this interests you, it’s best to find a local midwife prior to conception and contact them in regards to their availability and advice for booking once you’ve conceived.
Your care provider plays a significant role in your pregnancy and birth experience. It’s for that reason that we really encourage you to find a model of care and a provider that you trust; someone that will listen and respect your birth preferences and support you wholeheartedly.
If you have a fragmented model of care ie. you see a different midwife at every appointment, you may want to consider a student midwife or a doula so you have continuity of care throughout pregnancy, birth and postpartum.
Here are some questions you can ask to gain a better understanding of your care provider’s level of support and the hospital or birth centre policies.
If you’re home birthing, these questions will be slightly different and may be more concerned with your midwife’s availability in your month of birth, the medical supplies they carry, what would warrant a hospital transfer and what your postpartum care will look like.
Want to know more but don’t know where to go for reliable information? Welcome to the First Trimester is my new audio course that acts as a knowledgeable companion as you navigate the highs and lows of the first few months of pregnancy. I’ve chatted to five perinatal specialists and answered all your questions about physical symptoms and concerns, pregnancy nutrition, mental health, your first GP visit and finding a care provider and the benefit of having a student midwife. Access it HERE
Episode 294
conception · 45min
Episode 304
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