Prepare for a Confident Birth with The Birth Class
What is infertility?
The Two Week Wait
Harnessing the Power of Acupressure: A Natural Approach to Preparing for Birth
Thoughtful Christmas Gifts for your Pregnant Friend.
Pain Relief Options in Labour: From Natural Methods to Medical Pain Management
Epidural for Labour and Birth: Benefits, Risks and What to Expect
Cracked Nipples: Causes, Treatment and Prevention
5 Tips for Travelling With Kids
Nat Kringoudis is a Dr in Chinese Medicine and acupuncturist who has worked in women's fertility health for many years. When it came to conceiving Nat was very fortunate to fall pregnant relatively quickly. She took a calm birth course and was due to deliver her first child at the Family Birth centre at the Mercy Hospital for Women in Melbourne. At 30 weeks, when Nat was away for work, she went into labour and needed to be airlifted back to Melbourne. To find out what unfolded tune into this weeks episode.
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Acupuncture, Bed rest, Breastfeeding challenges, Calmbirth, Cystic Fibrosis (CF), Emergency caesarean, Irritable uterus
You can connect with Nat at and find her podcasts at The Wellness Collective and The Period Party.
Today’s episode of the show is brought to you by ErgoPouch. Have you got a swaddled baby who’s about to start rolling, or has just begun? Your little one will begin to roll their body over, from back-to-front or tummy-to-back around 2-6 months of age (each child is beautifully different so this stage can happen early or later, there is no exact time). When this first sign of rolling does eventually happen, it is time to transition your swaddled baby to an arms-out sleeper for their safety.
Our friends at ergoPouch have designed a product to help those fussy babies smoothly transition from arms-in swaddling to arms-out dreaming in three simple steps. The new Butterfly Cardi is a cardigan-like product, to be worn over an arms-out sleeping bag. It features envelope arm pockets that take baby from arms-in swaddling, to arms-up sleeping, eventually to arms-out sleeping over a guideline period of 10 days. Made from organic cotton, the cardi has press studs to adjust the width and firmness, depending on your babies size and strength of their startle reflex. The Butterfly Cardi, and all ergoPouch sleep products, can be purchased online at
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