Prepare for a Confident Birth with The Birth Class

Episode 121

Sophie Walker

In today’s episode,  I share with you my third birth. Although Jonathan and I had discussed having a third child, we had not made a final decision so it was a bit of a surprise when we discovered that I was pregnant. I was a bit nervous to tell Jono and I took some home pregnancy tests and watched as the lines got darker each day and it took a while to process. Ottie was conceived while we were on holiday in Fiji which is a nice thought as that’s where Jono is from. The running joke was that we bought an extra coconut home from the homeland.

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Image by Hilary Walker Birth Photography

There was no question for me that I wanted to give birth to my third baby back at the Mercy Birth Centre. I had both Niko and Louis there under the care of midwives. I was thrilled to find that I had been assigned Jo. Jo had been apart of my care team in both the boy’s pregnancies. To find out more about how I used the  Hypnobirth Australia  course to have a pain medication free birth tune into this week’s show.

Topics Discussed

Hypnobirth Australia, Midwifery care, Third birth

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Today’s episode is brought to you by The Birth Class, my online childbirth education course.

To find out how you can become educated and empowered for your birth click HERE.

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