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The last days of pregnancy can be trying; you’re mentally and physically exhausted and desperate to meet the little baby you’ve grown for nine months. No doubt your obstetrician or midwife has encouraged you to keep track of your baby’s movements and this is important right up until birth. In late pregnancy your baby’s movements should maintain the same frequency and rhythm as they have throughout pregnancy – it’s a myth that movements slow in the third trimester. If you do notice a slowing or absence of movement, we encourage you to contact your care provider immediately.
Some women don’t feel braxton hicks at all whereas others experience them from very early in pregnancy. There are some specific differences between braxton hicks and real contractions and it’s good to keep them in mind as you prepare to meet your baby.
Even if you don’t feel them, you will typically have braxton hicks contractions from six weeks gestation. They are simply a contraction and relaxation of the uterine muscles and are sometimes referred to as ‘false labour’ or ‘practice contractions’. Consider them a very normal and healthy part of pregnancy that you likely won’t feel till the second or third trimester (usually earlier with each subsequent pregnancy).
They feel like a tightening across your belly and they may prompt your breath to change. They’re not necessarily painful but if you notice them, you may feel some discomfort and will naturally want to breathe a little deeper. They usually last for around 30 seconds and don’t follow a pattern or rhythm. Towards late pregnancy you will typically experience them more regularly and they’ll definitely command your attention but you won’t have more than a few an hour. Relaxation and rest will ease them so lie down or have a shower or a bath.
There are a few significant difference between braxton hicks and real contractions, including:
If you aren’t yet 37 weeks and you think you’re having contractions, contact your obstetrician or midwife. Regardless of the time of day (or night), they are there to offer you reassurance, guidance and advice. Don’t persist at home wondering and waiting. You’ll feel much better when you have spoken to your care provider.
Once you notice a distinct difference between the braxton hicks you’ve been having and the real contractions that are starting to get stronger, you will likely be in the beginning stages of early labour. Remember that early labour can go for hours and, sometimes, days, so try not to do all the things and subsequently exhaust yourself. This stage is all about staying relaxed, resting to conserve energy, moving in a way that encourages the baby into an ideal birth position, staying well hydrated and doing all the things that make you feel good. Why? Because when you feel safe, content and loved, the hormone responsible for driving contractions – oxytocin – will flow freely and really get labour going.
If you’re still unsure if you’re in early labour, here’s five signs to look out for.
As a soon-to-be parent, we’re constantly seeking the best for our little ones, especially when it comes to capturing and sharing every unforgettable moment. That’s why I recommend Tinybeans to all new parents.
Tinybeans offers a seamless way to document your child’s journey from pregnancy to preschool and beyond and allows your closest family and friends to follow along with every gummy smile, milestone birthday, and special family vacation.
With features like unlimited photo and video uploads, customizable photo books, and journal prompts, Tinybeans simplifies the way you record, relive, and privately share your family’s everyday moments, turning them into cherished memories. Download the Tinybeans app and create your free account to start sharing all your silliest and sweetest memories, easily, all in one place.
Episode 470
pregnancy · 45min
Episode 1
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