Prepare for a Confident Birth with The Birth Class
What is infertility?
The Two Week Wait
Harnessing the Power of Acupressure: A Natural Approach to Preparing for Birth
Thoughtful Christmas Gifts for your Pregnant Friend.
Pain Relief Options in Labour: From Natural Methods to Medical Pain Management
Epidural for Labour and Birth: Benefits, Risks and What to Expect
Cracked Nipples: Causes, Treatment and Prevention
5 Tips for Travelling With Kids
Once you feel comfortable leaving home with your baby (we encourage at least three weeks of rest and healing before you venture out), your nappy bag will become your life jacket. Indeed, it will have one (or two) of everything you could possibly need for any eventuality.
So what exactly will you need? Here’s our tried and tested nappy bag essentials:
Babies poo at all times but in my experience, they really love to do it when you’re out and about and nowhere near a change table. Inconvenient but better out than in! Cue the boot of your car which really comes into its own when you’re in desperate need of a comfortable, warm and private spot to change your baby’s nappy. BabyLove knows this experience well so they take care of your baby’s growing needs with superior nappies that you can rely on. BabyLove nappies are high-quality and practical, developed with attention to detail for the ultimate comfort and leak protection. As you gather essentials for your newborn, make sure you get your BabyLove Free Sample today on the BabyLove website –
Tip: always keep a few spare nappies, wipes and a spare change of clothes in the car – separate to your nappy bag.
my three boys are well and truly out of nappies but I always have a packet of wipes on hand because they’re one of the most practical parenting products. I recommend all new parents keep a packet in the car, the nappy bag, in the lounge room and on the nappy change table. If you leave them in the car with the lid off and they dry out, just add a little water and they should become moist again.
what’s that smell? I won’t tell you about the dirty nappy I momentarily forgot about and found in the car days later because I still shudder at the memory. Instead, I’ll encourage you to have nappy bags on hand at all times so the dirty nappies and wipes can be easily contained. I also recommend a waterproof swimming bag to use for dirty singlets and onesies while you’re out and about.
extra singlets, onesies, tops, leggings, socks and a swaddle or wrap is absolutely essential for at least the first year of your baby’s life. You just never know when a poonami will occur. While it’s not quite as necessary, you might be inclined to keep a spare change of clothes for yourself, too. Why? Parenting is innately messy and unpredictable.
if you’re bottle feeding, you’ll need to take bottles, formula and sterilised water with you at all times (remember you can’t mix up formula prematurely; you’ll need to carry the formula and water separately). If you’re breastfeeding, feeding in public may be a cause of stress for you and it’s important to know that this is really normal. It’s also why staying at home after birth is so important for establishing breastfeeding and feeling confident in your ability. Your car will likely become your portable home when you’re out and about; you’ll feed and change your baby there. Make sure you’ve got a few swaddles or cloths to catch spilt milk, a nipple shield if you’re using them and a drink bottle so you can stay hydrated while your baby feeds.
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