Prepare for a Positive Birth with THE BIRTH CLASS
What is infertility?
The Two Week Wait
Harnessing the Power of Acupressure: A Natural Approach to Preparing for Birth
Thoughtful Christmas Gifts for your Pregnant Friend.
Pain Relief Options in Labour: From Natural Methods to Medical Pain Management
Epidural for Labour and Birth: Benefits, Risks and What to Expect
Cracked Nipples: Causes, Treatment and Prevention
5 Tips for Travelling With Kids
In today’s episode I interview Jess Dempsey. When Jess fell pregnant with her first son, she was sick from 6 weeks, vomiting all day up until 20 weeks. At 12 weeks Jess underwent the recommended combined blood test and ultrasound to assess her baby’s down syndrome risk. Her results came back with a higher than expected chance of having a baby with Downs 1/300. Jess and her partner decided not to risk the life of the baby by having an amniocentesis test, instead electing to waited until their 20-week scan to find out what there baby’s risk was. They found out at the 20-week scan that their baby didn’t have down syndrome and he was very healthy.
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Jess went into natural labour the day after her due date. She woke with period like pain and a need to go to the toilet. At 6 am she woke up her husband up and told him and they decided to go into the hospital at bout 9 am. After being assessed at 3cm dilated they decided to go back home and labour for a while.
To hear more about Jess’ recovery from her first delivery and her anxiety and subsequent two pregnancies and births tune into this week’s show.
Caesarean, Maternal anxiety, Three births, Vaginal Delivery
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