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Katrina went through the Cosmos program at the Royal Women’s Hospital in Melbourne for all three of her deliveries. Despite suffering severe nausea up until 14 weeks, Katrina found her first pregnancy was quite routine.
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Image by Passion8 Photography
On Katrina’s due date, she was woken up with period like cramping at 1 am. Katrina’s family found it quite amusing she would deliver on her due date because she is quite a pragmatic and organized person. She went on to labour at home with the support of her partner and her heavily pregnant sister. Katrina was quite unlucky as she was constantly vomiting throughout her labour. After labouring at home for most of the day, She made her way into the Royal Women’s Hospital with her support team. In triage, Katrina had a huge contraction and substantial vomit and then her babies heart rate dropped and her midwife became quite concerned that there was something worth monitoring. She was moved into the birthing suite and monitored. She had a mobile monitor on which allowed her to still move around the room. Despite envisaging an active delivery Katrina ended up pushing on the bed on her back with her sister holding one leg and her friend who was a midwife holding the other. After 30 minutes of pushing she delivered her daughter.
To hear Katrina’s other two children’s delivery tune into this week’s show. Katrina’s sister Carla’s interviwed in Episode 25.
Image by Carla Mahony
3 Vaginal births, COSMOS midwifery program, Water Birth
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