Prepare for a Confident Birth with The Birth Class

Episode 525

Cassie – Three Births, Postnatal Anxiety, Identical Twins, Mental Health Journey

In today's episode, Cassie shares her profound journey into motherhood as an early years teacher who experienced three births and navigated postnatal anxiety. After carefully planning their family with husband James, they welcomed three daughters - Nara (6) and identical twins (5) - through experiences that would challenge and transform her understanding of mental health and motherhood.

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After marrying in January 2017, Cassie and James took a measured approach to starting their family, waiting six months before trying to conceive. Their first pregnancy came easily, and Cassie experienced what her doctors called a “textbook pregnancy” with typical first-trimester challenges. She chose private care with an OB and midwife team, setting the foundation for her birth journey.

“My OB said my pregnancy was basically textbook. Until about week 14, I had really bad pregnancy sickness. It would clear up by about 11am and then hit with full force about 3pm. At the time I was a kindy teacher so I did find that sickness and extreme fatigue really taxing in such a busy job.”

Her first labour began at 40+2 weeks after experiencing 10 days of stop-start contractions. The birth progressed naturally with her waters breaking spontaneously at 5am. “I spent a lot of time in the shower on the birth ball with James holding the shower hose over my back. A lot of hot water on that back. I had no pain relief. I thought I can handle this. Did a lot of breathing, a lot of affirmations that were really helping and just kind of decided to go with it.”

The journey took an unexpected turn when, at 8 months postpartum, Cassie experienced a severe panic attack that led to an ER visit. This event would later be recognised as the first clear sign of postnatal anxiety. Just 10 months after having Nara, life threw Cassie another surprise – identical twins. The pregnancy proved significantly more challenging, requiring careful monitoring due to the twins sharing both placenta and sac.

“When the twins were three or four months old, the PND anxiety hit full force, but a thousand times worse. I expected it to come, but I didn’t expect to be kind of like floored and almost taken out by it. It was so bad that when I felt it coming, I made an appointment straight away to see my GP.”

Through extensive work with her therapist, Cassie developed crucial coping strategies: “I expanded my toolkit. I learned breathing techniques, techniques to calm my nervous system, things that would help me in that moment. I learned to make friends with the anxiety, to not fear the anxiety because I was developing a fear of panic attacks.”

Today, Cassie reflects on her journey with profound wisdom: “I wouldn’t wish that on anybody. I would not voluntarily walk that journey again. However, neither would I trade the growth and transformation that has taken place. I’m not the same woman that I was and I’m glad, I’m glad of the lessons that I’ve learned, of what it actually truly means to be kind to yourself.”

Topics Discussed

Identical Twins, Mental Health Journey, Postnatal anxiety, Three births

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