
In today’s episode, Claire shares how she and her partner Steph had a home birth with their little girl LJ. As a same-sex couple, Claire and Steph used a home insemination process with sperm given to them from a very good friend. As a naturopath, Claire carefully monitored her cycles and use acupuncture to help make the process as smooth as possible. They were lucky enough to conceive on their first home transfer.
Image by Lacey Barratt Photography

Despite starting with GP Shared care Claire knew that she wanted a low intervention home birth. Claire decided to start interviewing private midwives to have a home birth and she found a lovely midwife who she and Steph connected with and they hired her for their pregnancy and home birth care.

Claire discusses how she discovered she had some abdominal muscle separation. She eased off her regular Yoga practice at 30 weeks when the separation went to a three finger width apart.

Claire takes us through how she and Steph prepared themselves to co-feed LJ. Steph has never been pregnant before however, she was able to induce lactation through pumping regularly and taking natural medicines and Domperidone. Both Steph and Claire now feed little LJ. To hear more listen now…

Topics covered: induced lactation, home insemination, home birth, water birth, private midwife, acupuncture, naturopath, breastfeeding, placenta encapsulation, same-sex couple, lesbians, supply line.

Topics Discussed

Co-feeding, Home birth, Induced lactation, Same sex couple

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