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Episode 142


In today’s episode I interview Aimee Winchester. Aimee shares the births of all five of her girls who were all born via caesarean section. Aimee gave birth to her first daughter at the age of 20. She knew very little about birth at the time and went in to be induced when she was over her dates. Aimee was fully dilated with an epidural when they discovered her little girl was in a posterior position and despite the doctors trying to manually turn her she needed to have an emergency caesarean. In her second birth, Aimee hired and doula and was all prepared to attempt a VBAC (vaginal birth after caesarean) To hear how Aimee’s labours unfolded tune into this week’s show.

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In today’s episode I interview Aimee Winchester. Aimee shares the births of all five of her girls who were all born via caesarean section. Aimee gave birth to her first daughter at the age of 20. She knew very little about birth at the time and went in to be induced when she was over her dates. Aimee was fully dilated with an epidural when they discovered her little girl was in a posterior position and despite the doctors trying to manually turn her she needed to have an emergency caesarean. In her second birth, Aimee hired and doula and was all prepared to attempt a VBAC (vaginal birth after caesarean) To hear how Aimee’s labours unfolded tune into this week’s show.

Topics Discussed

Antenatal anxiety, Five caesarean births

Episode Sponsor

Today’s episode is brought to you by ergoPouch. ergoPouch have just launched their Spring Summer 2019/20 season! If you haven’t heard of Australian company ergoPouch, their award-winning range includes premium swaddles, sleeping bags, sleep suit bags, sleep onesies and pyjamas in non-toxic, breathable, natural fibres to take your baby from newborn through to pre-school years.  The new limited edition Pouch Tales Collection for Spring and Summer introduces three new prints to the range, and is made from lighter TOGs for the warmer weather.  Head over to ergoPouch.com.au to see their full range including their new line of Mama & Little Mini Matchy Sleep Packs!  These sleep packs include a Cocoon Swaddle Bag and Layer for your new baby, and a Robe for Mama in a matching print.

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