Prepare for a Confident Birth with The Birth Class
What is infertility?
The Two Week Wait
Harnessing the Power of Acupressure: A Natural Approach to Preparing for Birth
Thoughtful Christmas Gifts for your Pregnant Friend.
Pain Relief Options in Labour: From Natural Methods to Medical Pain Management
Epidural for Labour and Birth: Benefits, Risks and What to Expect
Cracked Nipples: Causes, Treatment and Prevention
5 Tips for Travelling With Kids
The Caesarean Birth Class features audio modules with leading obstetricians and health specialists that take you step-by-step through your planned caesarean and recovery.
Find out more at The Caesarean Birth Class.
Our Silicone Gel Scar Strips are designed to hydrate and protect scars to improve their appearance and reduce any associated discomfort. Made from the highest quality medical-grade silicone, this scar treatment is safe and effective in preventing, softening, flattening and fading, red and raised scars – both new and existing.
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Regardless of where you're birthing and your intentions for pain management, it's a good idea to educate yourself about the benefits and risks of each intervention. This knowledge helps you enter labour aware and informed, with a strong understanding of the options available and how they can help or hinder your labour progression, birth and recovery. Today we'll cover all your options for managing labour pain, from natural methods to medical intervention.
Today we'll cover what you need to know about the procedure, timing, benefits and risks of epidural pain relief to help inform your birth choices.
If your birth education has been limited to movie scenes on the hospital ward, chances are you presume that most women labour on the bed. However, if you’re interested in having a physiological birth (without pain relief or intervention) and you want to work with your body to navigate the intensity of contractions, the advice of almost every birth education, doula and midwife will be simple: don’t get on the bed.
Shoulder dystocia occurs in a vaginal birth when the baby’s shoulder is stuck behind the mother’s pelvic bone but the head has already been birthed. It’s considered an emergency but your care provider will be trained in navigating the complication to ensure your baby is born promptly and safely.
If you’re currently pregnant, you may be feeling quite overwhelmed by the advice that everyone seems to throw at you. It’s a lot, isn’t it. And while it’s well-meaning, it often leads to confusion rather than clarity.
Regardless of where you’re birthing and your intentions for pain management, it’s a good idea to educate yourself about the benefits and risks of each intervention so you go into labour aware and informed, with a strong understanding of the options available to you and how they can help or hinder your labour progression, birth and recovery.
As you get closer to your estimated due date (EDD), ideally your baby will be in a head down position. If your baby is upside down - with either their bottom or feet closest to your cervix and their head up towards your ribcage - they are in a breech position. It’s very normal for your baby to turn from breech to head-down throughout your pregnancy.
Choosing the correct size birthing ball for pregnancy can be tricky. Here are the key things to keep in mind for choosing your yoga or exercise ball for use in pregnancy or birth.