Prepare for a Confident Birth with The Birth Class

Welcome to the First Trimester

By Australian Birth Stories

An informative and comforting 5-part audio course that will guide you through the first 12 weeks of pregnancy

Buy The First Trimester

If you’re currently navigating the first few weeks of your pregnancy, chances are you’re feeling a bit overwhelmed..

Perhaps you’re feeling little (or a lot) nauseous and you’re not really sure what you need to do next.

Your experience is really common;

The first trimester is typically quite lonely and many women admit that it’s significantly challenging — physically, mentally and emotionally.

You probably have a lot of questions right now and you’re not really sure who to trust or where to go for answers.

Welcome to the First Trimester — an online course that will guide you through these next few months and provide the comfort you need.

I have gathered a range of perinatal specialists who each share their tips, advice and knowledge on a variety of topics including:

  • Your GP visit
  • Choosing a care provider and student midwife
  • Early pregnancy nutrition and supplements
  • Mental health
  • and physical changes and concerns.

Welcome to the First Trimester

The access-anytime program helps you confidently prepare for your first trimester.

Over 5 value-packed audio lessons — and from the comfort of your own home — Welcome to the First Trimester walks you through everything you need to know to feel positive, calm, capable and ready for you pregnancy.

Purchase the Course

$67.00 AUD
Buy The First Trimester

Your Guide: Modules 1-5

Let’s look at exactly what you’ll learn inside the course.

  • 1
    I’m Pregnant, What Do I Do Now? with Jodi Wilson

    In this episode I chat to prenatal yoga teacher, mother-of-four and published author, Jodi Wilson about your first GP appointment. We discuss:

    • Your care options and the importance of booking in with your care provider as early as possible.
    • Our own experiences in the first trimester and the importance of taking things day by day through what can be a really challenging few months.
    • Questions to ask of your care provider.
    • What model or care might suit you and your family best.
  • 2
    Pregnancy Nutrition with Heidi Sze

    In this episode, dietician, nutritionist and mother-of-two, Heidi Sze takes you through:

    • Exactly what to look for in a prenatal vitamin.
    • The difference between folic acid and methyl folate.
    • The importance of a tailored, healthy diet.
    • Which vitamins and nutrients are important to focus on in the first trimester.
  • 3
    Mental Health in Pregnancy with Dr Phillipa Cannan

    Perinatal Psychologist Phillipa Cannan talks to us about mental health in the first trimester:

    • The challenge of pregnancy after infertility.
    • Advice for women who have come off medication for anxiety and depression.
    • Advice for navigating mental health challenges during pregnancy and reiterates the importance of surrounding yourself with a support network.
    • How to seek support and help during your pregnancy if you’re experiencing anxiety or depression.
  • 4
    Why am I so Tired? with Midwife Lauretta

    Midwife Lauretta shares simple, helpful and heartfelt advice for navigating the physical challenge of the first trimester. She also explains:

    • How your body is changing, the incredible job you’re doing to grow your baby and your placenta.
    • What hormones are influencing how you’re feeling.
    • Treatments available for severe nausea and vomiting.
    • What you should do if you start bleeding or something doesn’t feel right.
  • 5
    The Benefits of Having a Student Midwife with Bonnie

    I chat to Bonnie, a mum-of-two and student midwife who explains the role of a student midwife, the best way to find one and what the experience can offer you.

    • Should I hire a student midwife?
    • What are the benefits?
    • What is continuity of care and why is it important?
    • What role does a student midwife play in the birth space?
    • How do I find a student midwife?

What’s included with your purchase

Buy The Course

Welcome to the First Trimester Program

  • Navigating Nausea and Vomiting in Early Pregnancy
  • Affirmations for The First Trimester
  • What Tests and Scans Do I Need?
  • Something Doesn’t Feel Right, Now What?
  • 10 Questions To Ask Your Care Provider
Buy The Course

The only birth education you’ll need.

Customer Reviews

Based on 11 reviews
Great confidence boost at the start

I really enjoyed the snapshot of all the helpful early pregnancy topics. Even as second time mum I found it really informative and reassuring!

Hannah S
Felt comforting and fun

It was nice to have this to listen to in the first weeks when it didn’t really feel real to finally be pregnant. It felt like a treat and very comforting.

If you consider expanding, i would appreciate an episode on things to avoid - not in a fear mongering way, but just some intel on foods, activities or medications you need to look into and be cautious about. My GP didn’t offer any of that information.
Can’t wait to try the birth class next!
Thanks Sophie!

Ella Richardson
Great resource for those early weeks

Loved the episode about the importance of choosing a care provider early, as well as a student midwife. I feel like it has set me up for success early on!

Comforting and Informative for first time mums

I thoroughly enjoyed listening to the First Trimester Program, especially during such a time of uncertainty in the first few weeks of my first pregnancy. The content provided so much information and reassurance, and the mindfulness tips throughout were incredibly helpful too. I particularly loved the segment on getting a student midwife - something I hadn't considered before—and I'm so grateful to now have this as part of my pregnancy journey thanks to the program. Highly recommend this podcast to other first-time mums or anyone in their first part of pregnancy!

Emma Chappell
A great intro to this crazy journey!

Thanks Sophie, Jodi and everyone for sharing your wisdom. Very reassuring to know that others may find this journey overwhelming or shocking even when we’ve been trying for it for some time. But this course helps ease you into it with what you need to know first up.

You'll Receive

Lifetime Access

This program is yours for life. Turn to it again and again over the course of your current and any future pregnancies.

Convenient Audio Format

Tune in from the comfort of your own home, or take with you on a walk or in the car. All the information you need for an empowered birth experience, available any time.

Affordable Access to the Wisdom of 5 Specialists

Access the insight of 5 leading industry specialists for less than the cost of one consultation.

Meet your host Sophie Walker

Hi there, I’m Sophie — host of the top-rated weekly podcast Australian Birth Stories (15 million downloads and counting), creator of educational programs for pregnancy and motherhood, and mother to 3 boys under 10.

I have a Masters in Public Health, and for as long as I can remember, I’ve been deeply interested in babies and birth; a fascination that only amplified when I became pregnant with my eldest son, Niko.

Despite planning for a drug-free birth centre birth, what unfolded was a lengthy 36 hour labour with a hospital transfer, induction, epidural, episiotomy, forceps, and a postpartum haemorrhage...

Along with my new baby and my aching postpartum body, I carried significant physical and emotional trauma home from the hospital. My second birth was the complete opposite; positive, redemptive, and empowering.
Research claims that a positive birth experience - regardless of where or how a woman is birthing - is dependent on two things:

  • A pregnant woman has the opportunity to make informed decisions.

  • Those decisions are respected and supported by her care provider.

After interviewing over 300 Australian women I wholeheartedly agree with this research. Women have positive births every day - in the comfort of their home, in surgical theatres, in birth centre bathtubs and on the bed in hospital labour wards. And the foundation of these positive birth experiences? Birth education. The podcast is a beautiful collection of stories that have become a powerful, informative and, often entertaining, resource. It’s endorsed by the Australian College of Midwives and currently has over 8 million downloads. Sitting alongside the podcast is a series of online education courses that feature interviews with leading specialists in perinatal health.
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